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Saturday, December 25, 2010

The new Ferrari

Ferrari 2010 Scuderia Spider 16M - Ferrari's Best Hardcore Convertible Ever <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.affiliatecontrol.info/affiliate/scripts/banner.php?a_aid=8254d83c&amp;a_bid=e7d01f14"></script>

Ferrari 2010 Scuderia Spider 16M - Ferrari's Best Hardcore Convertible Ever 
In Ferrari speak, the name 'Scuderia' is synonomous with the best hardcore streetable clue supercars the Prancing Horse has to action the public. Apparent at the Formula 1Constructor's World Championship, the Ferrari Scuderia Spider 16M is the aboriginalconvertible Ferrari to buck that name. 

The Scuderia Spider is billed as the fastestconvertible to appear from Ferrari, ever. While thefresh Ferrari California will be appear anon in an attack to accomplish Ferrari supercars attainable to added drivers, the big-ticket track-ready Scuderia Spider is for Ferrari barter who crave pure, dizzying speed. 
Upgrades over the Ferrari F430 Spider on which the Scuderia Spider is based included 80 kg in weight accumulation due to the use of failing anatomy trim abstracts and the stripping of annihilation accidental to aiguille performance, and a carbon-trimmed cycle bar that broadcasts to all gawkers the Scuderia Spider is accessible for the track. 
Inside, advantageous affluent guys who administer to snag one of the 499 Scuderia Spider cars actuality produced will be advised to an ascetic but anatomic Ferrari autogenous complemented by a custom Ferrari iPod Touch that can be army and removed from the birr and is acclimated to ascendancy media functions. 
Expect the instant-classic Ferrari Scuderia Spider 16M to command a cogent exceptional over the F430 Spider back those 499 units are appear to the power-hungry car affairs attainable worldwide. 
Special alternation Scuderia Spider 16M apparent at World Finals in Mugello to bless Prancing Horse's 16th F1 Constructor's title 
Official Ferrari Press Release 
Scarperia, November 9th 2008 - Ferrari has called to bare the fresh Scuderia Spider 16M at the World Finals in Mugello in anniversary of its contempo achievement in theFormula 1 Constructor's World Championship 2008. This fresh aerial achievementsports car appearance the actual best of Ferrari's best recent mid-rear-engined 8-cylinder technology. In fact, the Scuderia Spider 16M is faster annular the Fiorano ambit than any added Prancing Horse open-top alley car yet built. This absolutely evocative appropriate alternation model, of which aloof 499 different examples will be produced, is aimed at the best amorous clients, drivers who appeal both exclusivity and superb active pleasure. 
The Scuderia Spider 16M is accessible in a best of two fresh signature colour schemes: the accepted adaptation is atramentous with blah trim, while a tricolour accouter is additionally accessible as allotment of the Carrozzeria Scaglietti Personalisation Programme. The fresh car additionally sports a appropriate applique on its rear grillecommemorating Ferrari's 16th Constructor's World title. The exclusivity of the autogenous is underscored by the argent "limited series" applique aloof aloft the air vents at the centre of the dashboard. Added absolute appearance accommodate a roll-bar with carbon-fibre alien carapace and a specific fresh bearing audio arrangement that can be accumulated with the disposable customised Ferrari iPod Touch 16 GB with axial berth aloof in advanced of the dashboard. 
From a abstruse point of view, this car has a dry weight of 1340 Kg (80 kg lighter than the F430 Spider). This, accumulated with the 510 hp provided by its V8 agent and a power-to-weight arrangement of 2.6 kg/hp, agency that it delivers baking 0-100 kph dispatch in aloof 3.7 abnormal and a superb top dispatch of 315 kph. 
A fresh area committed to the Scuderia Spider 16M, complete of abstruse blueprint and images is accessible online at www.ferrariworld.com.

Lancia Stratos driven by Ferrari trainer Luca di Montezemolo

The one-off special constructed by Fiat and a subsidiaries has been finalised. In a risk of blank out on what all a bitch is about, Ferrari boss, Luca di Montezemolo, recently stopped by Ferrari’s possess Fiorano-based exam lane to take a Lancia Stratos for a spin.Also along for a float was a German industrialist, Michael Stoschek, a propitious man who saved a plan and owners of a car. They both seemed gratified with a car, with di Montezemolo observant ‘bellissima’ (attractive). It seems di Montezemolo isn’t bashful when it comes to critical opening cars either, giving a Stratos utterly a strike around a track. (Dario Benuzzi – arch exam motorist of Ferrari – also tagged along with di Montezemolo, seen in really initial shot).
The Lancia Stratos is powered by a Ferrari 4.3-litre V8 borrowed from a Ferrari F430. The framework and height of a new Stratos is also taken from a Ferrari F430. Complete with CO twine panels and a physique weighing in during around 1200kg, a Stratos would showcase a improved power-to-weight ratio could even be quicker from indicate to indicate than a Italian stablemate.

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